Tag Archives: success

Sales Motivational Quotes
Here are some great sales motivational quotes to drive your mindset to a higher level of principled, successful living. We can all improve our thought processes by using mantras and principles by which successful people lived. The video collection is entitled Sales Motivational Quotes, but they can be used for any success in life. […]
Expected Outcomes of Biofeedback Training
Biofeedback Training for Executives, Athletes and Performers enhances Top 10 Outcomes linked to Success. Biofeedback Training can be an effective, inexpensive method of attaining greater attention control in just 10 minutes per day of practice. What if you could get these 10 Proven Outcomes from 10 minutes of interactive, enjoyable biofeedback mindpower exercise? Decision making […]
Willpower Ted Talk Summary
The Brain Train Coach quick notes on Willpower Ted Talk by Kelly McGonigal The Science of Willpower The Stanford researcher and professor, Mcgonigal, teaches a class on the Science of Willpower. Here she relates a brief research history on the addictive centers of the brain with a view towards how we use willpower to battle […]